Child ProtectioN Policy

Ligonier Camp is committed to the physical, emotional, and spiritual safety of each camper in our care. Below are the policies we have enacted in order to ensure that our staff are properly vetted and trained to best keep children safe.

  1. Ligonier Camp and Conference Center will do thorough background checks on all employees in accordance with the American Camping Association and Pennsylvania State Law. 

  2. LCCC staff should never be alone with a camper. Even during a one-on-one, the camper and staff member must be in the line of sight of other campers and staff.

  3. Trips to the restroom must be in groups of three. Groups should never consist of only two campers or one camper and one staff.

  4. If a camper is uncomfortable changing in the cabin, during evening shower time in the bathhouse, or any other time during their session, every effort should be made by the staff member to help facilitate, with the highest discretion, more private changing opportunities. 

  5. LCCC takes very seriously the physical and emotional safety of our campers. We will not tolerate intentional bullying, racial or ethnic slurs, crass comments about someone’s physical appearance, crude comments of a sexual nature or any physical attack from another camper. Such behavior will result in appropriate discipline that may include the aggressor being sent home.

  6. Staff are not permitted to continue a relationship with a camper after they leave camp without expressed permission from the child’s parent. This includes, but is not limited to emails, Facebook friending, Snap Chat or any other social media sources. A counselor may write a letter or two after camp encouraging the camper and thanking them for their time at camp with the parent’s permission.

Infirmary Procedures and Policies

  1. If your child displays symptoms of any virus (e.g. cold, flu, covid-19, strep, conjunctivitis, etc.) on Incoming Day please do not bring your child to camp. Such symptoms include fever (100F or above), sore throat, congestion, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Children who develop symptoms associated with viral infection while in attendance will be placed in the infirmary and parents will be contacted by phone. They will not be able to spend the night in the infirmary, but must be picked up from camp as soon as possible (within 5 hours).

  2. If a doctor or emergency room visit is deemed necessary a parent will be called before a doctor’s appointment is made or before the child arrives at the emergency room.  Parents will be advised to contact their insurance carrier prior to their child being seen by our primary care physician.  

  3. All medications brought to camp, including over the counter, must be in their original containers. Otherwise they CANNOT be administered. Likewise, expired medications cannot be administered. Please check expiration dates. Inhalers must be in their boxes with a current prescription attached, and should be listed on the camper’s health history form under medications. All medications administered to campers are overseen by a registered nurse. Parents must pick up their camper’s medications from the infirmary on SCRAM (Pick-up) Day.

  4. For campers with medical insurance, doctor’s visits and prescriptions may be covered by the camper’s medical insurance provider. Any other medical bills, prescription costs, or copay’s will be paid by the camper’s parent/guardian prior to departure from Ligonier Camp.  

  5. Excela Square at Ligonier is our primary care physicians’ office.  The office number is 724-238-6668.  Latrobe Area Hospital will be used in case of emergency. Their phone number is 724-537-1187