
Are you interested in seeing photos of your camper while they're at camp? Would you like to send them one-way emails called Bunk Notes? We are proud to partner with Bunk1 to provide families with a simple way to keep in touch and see what's happening here at camp.

Register or log in to your Bunk1 account here or download the Bunk1 App for your smartphone on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. If you are new to Bunk1, you will need an invitation code. Please call the office or email to get the invitation code!

Frequently asked Questions:

  • Yes, there is a cost to send emails. You can purchase credits, which are used to send emails, called “Bunk Notes,” but can also be used to add photos, games, puzzles, and more.

  • We will print Bunk Notes twice a day at 7:00AM and 1:00PM. Any Bunk Notes received before 7am will be delivered at lunch and any received between 7am-1pm will be delivered at dinner. Any Bunk Notes sent after 1pm will be delivered the next day at lunchtime.

    *The Bunk Note system will shut off at 8pm on the Thursday before pickup. Any Bunk Notes sent before 8pm will be delivered at breakfast on Friday.

  • Camper’s do not have access to computers, cellphones, or other methods of email while they are at camp! However, you can purchase “Bunk Replies” from Bunk1 that allow your camper to handwrite you a note that we then scan and have delivered to you via email. They can also write you a good old-fashioned letter! Please send along stationary, envelopes and postage if you’d like to get traditional mail.

    *Bunk Replies require that your camper take the time to write you a reply. Counselors and camp staff will do their best to encourage them to do so, but with the busy camp schedule it can be a challenge for some campers to take the time to write back promptly.

  • No! Photos are free to view, but you will need an account to access them.

  • We have over 400 people on the property during a normal camp session and only one photographer out at a time! We do our very best to make sure every camper has their photo taken during a session, but sometimes that can get tricky. We ask for your understanding while we try our hardest!


A few important things to note if you’d like to drop off or mail a care package for your camper:

  • For the safety of all campers, we request that all care packages be nut free. Any treat that is sent in a care package that contains nuts as a listed ingredient will be removed from the care package.

  • We train our amazing staff to read labels and ingredient lists to keep all campers safe by adhering to our nut-free policy, therefore we request that any food items in care packages be prepackaged and NOT homemade. 

  • We know you want to send a lot - but we request that care packages be limited to approximately the size of a standard shoe box to ensure we have enough space for care packages for all campers who receive them. 

  • Please be aware the campers sit in their huddle for all meals that contain anywhere from 12-16 campers and care packages will be expected to be shared among the huddle.

  • Care packages (and letters) can be dropped off incoming day. Please note your campers name, Classic Camp or Little Ligs (with cabin number) or Next Level (with room number), and what day you would like it to be delivered.

  • On departure day, care package items can be picked up in the dining hall. All remaining items will then be discarded to prepare for the next session.