Wish List
Wish List
The ministry of Ligonier Camp & Conference Center could not happen without the partnership of our donors and friends.
We have very generous donors who give for both operational needs, scholarship funds, and special events but we know that others
like to give something more tangible. To that end, we have created this wish list. Some items will enhance our summer programs
and others will help fill a few empty spots we found during the non-summer months.
If you’d like to purchase an item, just click on the link below and order.
Wish list items can either be delivered to us in person (we’d love to see you and thank you!) or mailed to: 188 Macartney Lane, Ligonier PA 15658.
Please note for any items purchased for the camp you will be given a “gift in kind” receipt for tax purposes.
Thank you for helping us reach more campers, families, and groups for the Glory of God.
ESV Holy Bible for Kids: $5.49
Many kids come to camp with no Bible, as we have Bible study and devotions everyday, we love to give them one to use not only at camp but to take home and continue learning.
Variety of craft items for the Craft Hall: varying prices
Our campers love spending time in the Craft Hall. It’s a perfect ‘down time’ activity for a huddle, or a great choice for Action Option time. The crafts allow campers to express their creativity, learn new skills, and to build relationships with other campers. We’d love to stock the craft hall for the summer with multiple purchases of each of these listed below.
Embroidery Floss of many colors for those beloved Friendship Bracelets.50 Skein kit @ $4.97 or 250 Skein kit @ $17.99
Perler Beads: Multi mix from Amazon $19.54
Parchment Paper (for fusing beads) can be purchased at any grocery or hardware store
Construction Paper this link has 2 packs of 240 each. Total @ $16.59
Dodge Balls: 6 inch Set @ $49.85
Campers LOVE their dodgeball!
Help us replenish supplies for the much played game of Prison Dodgeball with a set of the 6inch balls.
Candles: 2 pack @ $21.75
Every closing night of each session we have a closing campfire that is a special time for campers and counselors to reflect on their week and to prepare for being a light in the darkness for others when they return home. We go through a lot of candles!
Water Balloons: 1700 pack @ $8.88
Campers love the camp wide games where water balloons are involved!
And a huge thank you to our C.I.T’s whose job it is to fill them.
Pennies: 36 pack @ $47.99
It’s much easier to play camp games when we can tell the difference between the 2 teams.
These pennies help a lot.
9 Square from Castle Squares from Castle Sports: $599.00
This is a volleyball 9 square game that is great for all ages - and is a camper favorite!
The current version we have is made from PVC pipes and webbing, while it works, it is difficult to set up, the PVC joiner pieces break A LOT and it’s one height.
This Castle Square version is lightweight, adjusts to multiple heights, and sets up quickly - so we can move it easily around camp. We’d love 2 of these, one for camp village and one for the lake.
New or gently used table and chairs for the Alexander House for non summer months
The Alexander House is one of our smaller lodging spaces after the summer months (During the summer it’s our Nurse Station).
The house has 12 beds, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and small living room area. A dining room table with 4 or 6 chairs will round out the space nicely. The former table we had has found a new home.