Registration FAQ's

You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers.

Registering for camp should be painless, don't you think? We want to help answer your questions - here are some that we get asked a lot. If you don't see your question on here, please feel free to email our Registrar at

How do I access my Campwise account? What can I do with my Campwise account?

You can log on to your Campwise account at any time by clicking here. Your account can be used to make payments, add money to your camper's camp store account, answer health history questions, make cabin-mate requests, view up-to-date registration information, and view & print account statements.

Is a deposit required with each registration?

Yes. Classic Camp and Next Level registrations must be accompanied by a $100 deposit + an $8 registration fee. Little Ligs registrations must be accompanied by a $50 deposit + an $8 registration fee. Family Camp registrations must be accompanied by a $100 deposit + an $8 registration fee per adult. The deposit is included in the total fee and is not refundable after February 28th. The $8 registration fee is nonrefundable.

Confirmation of registrations and payments will be sent the following business day. Please contact us if you do not receive a confirmation email.

When is payment due?

For Sessions 1, 2, and 3, payment is due by March 15. For Sessions 4, 5, 6, and Family Camps, payment is due by April 15.  The full tuition will be due if you register for camp after those dates.

What is the cancellation policy?

The $8 registration fee is nonrefundable. The $100 deposit ($50 for Little Ligs) is nonrefundable after February 28th.

  • Cancellation within 14 days of your session forfeits ½ of the tuition.

  • Cancellation within 7 days of your session forfeits full tuition.

  • If you do need to cancel, please call the office at (724) 238-6428 x113 or email

Are there any discounts or scholarships available?

You may apply for scholarship funds after first registering for camp with the $100 deposit + the $8 registration fee. You can download the Scholarship Application here. Please scan and email the completed application to You may also mail the completed application to 188 Macartney Lane, Ligonier, PA 15658 attn: Scholarship Committee.

If you register 3 or more children, you will automatically receive a $35 discount for the 3rd and each additional camper.

What's the Hub? Do I need to set up a Hub account? 

The Hub is what we call the camp store, where we sell snacks like candy, ice cream, chips, soft drinks, and souvenirs such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, stuffed animals, water bottles, and more. Money can be added to the camp store account either during the registration process or through your Campwise account at any time. We recommend $30/week for Classic Camp and Next Level and $10 for Little Ligs, but ultimately the amount of spending money is up to you! At the conclusion of each session, store balances over the refundable minimum will be refunded unless you choose to have it donated to the Ligonier Camp Scholarship Fund.

Can I add money to my camper's Hub account once camp starts? 

Yes! From the Dashboard of your Campwise account you will select "Make A Payment", select the camper(s) you would like to add money to, select "Store" and enter the amount before proceeding to check out. You may also call the office at 724-238-6428 and add money over the phone.

It says here that my camper is on the waiting list for their session. What does that mean?

Our sessions can fill pretty quickly, so we often have waiting lists once they're full. If an opening happens, we call the first person on the waiting list to let them know a spot is available. 

Can I make cabin mate requests for my camper?

Yes. From the Dashboard of your Campwise account you will select "Optional Items" then “Manage Cabin Mates”. You may also email or call the office at 724-238-6428 to make requests over the phone.

What forms are required for my camper to attend?

We do require a few forms to make sure your camper is safe and well-cared for during their time here. Please complete these forms at least two weeks prior to your session start date.

Is my camper old enough to participate in specialized activities?

We have some age requirements for our specialized activities. Click here to see which activities your camper is old enough for.